Section A - All about me

Michelle Hughes

My three children aged 19-27 and 5 yr old grandson have had a whole range of educational experiences from statements to Education Health and Care Plans, exclusions, disability discrimination appeals, content appeals, attending a variety of placements including mainstream, pupil referral units, independent specialist and university.

I was Introduced to SEND Law by Judge Jane McConnell prior to the 2014 reforms when she delivered IPSEA training. From that moment SEND Law joined autism as a special interest satisfying my passion for justice and SEND.

Alongside personal success in securing support for my children, over the last decade I have provided advice and guidance to many families across all areas of SEND Advocacy Utilising my lived and professional experience, alongside academic qualifications within SEND and neurodivergence including autism, ADHD and PDA .

As a steering group member of the local parent carer forum for nine years I worked at a strategic level on several projects including the redesign of a neurodevelopmental pathway from an autism pathway. This was held up as a model of good practice including commissioning, procurement of services and oversight and scrutiny. This led to completing MA Autism with a research focus on how advocacy is experienced by the mothers of autistic children.

Working as a critical friend with the local authority to influence local practice, challenging unlawful practice through the quality assurance of EHCPs on a termly basis with a panel of other professionals.

I have successfully advocated in appeals including disability discrimination, EHCP contents (Sections B, F, and I), refusal to assess and issue. I have also attended tribunal as a supporter several times. The outcome I always strive for is an agreement before a hearing reducing the burden on families and the public purse.

I decided to take the leap as an independent SEND advocate after being employed as a SEND Law Advocate. I am keen to provide a much-needed low-cost service to families which aligns with my own ethical standards.

It is difficult for those who have not been subject to SEND processes to comprehend how all-encompassing navigating services and the education system can be. There are no golden tickets.

I will always signpost to free support and resources when appropriate.

IPSEA SEND Law Advanced Training Levels 1-3

Mental Health First Aider

Fully insured.